Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Schnauzers

Well it's been a low key day for the dog reporter as I have been feeling a wee bit under the weather from all the traveling in the snow last week. I played it safe and decided to do sunday papers, massive cups of tea and to spend good company with my friends schnauzers whom I am helping to dog sit. Chip and Tommy were very excited to see me arrive back to London on Saturday evening and have been glued to my side ever since.

I will be off again Tuesday for more filming for Friends for Life and really looking forward to meeting the last of our nominees. There are a total of six nominees this year and all with amazing stories about their dogs. It's going to be so tough but I am sure everyone out there will vote for their favourite. I have been asked numerous times already about what the TEXT numbers will be for voting. I don't know yet but as soon as I receive them I will provide on my blog. The Kennel Club and Crufts website will surely be the port of call for all the videos and numbers and as soon as I know when the videos will be posted for viewing I'll let you know.

I am still in awe of all the lovely people and dogs I met last week - Evie and Gem, Steve and Farley and PC Sampson and Anya.

It's nice to focus on the positive about dogs rather than the negative. Sadly there was a lot of front cover papers dedicated to the story of a little baby boy this morning. I don't need to reiterate the story here as if you read the news or saw the TV than you know the story. My heart goes out to his family for their tremendous loss this weekend. It saddens me deeply on many levels as we hear these stories in the UK media too often.

My aim with my creative output is to always promote the positive stories about dogs. There will always be the negative and the positive in the world. I have chosen to stay in the positive and to champion and promote the positive stories we don't often hear so much of. I really believe we have a choice to what we buy, what we listen to, what we read about, what we can write about and certainly what we can promote in our own little way. I believe in the power of one - we all have the power within us to make a difference and create a huge positive change (no matter how small or insignificant you might think it is at first). There certainly are a lot of people making money on selling fear. Every day is a gift that we have with each other and of course with our lovely dogs. I just want to remind myself and anyone out there that may be reading this blog that we ALL have the power within us "to make a difference for dogs."

The Dog Reporter©

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