Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"How to" Crufts

Well many things to share with you today.

I filmed Marc the Vet, the UK's most popular vet and a real sweetie he is.
I started to film some "How to" videos for the Kennel Club starring Marc the Vet and Molly the Wonder Dog. Something I have always wanted to get going for the KC so hopefully we can do a few more before and after Crufts.

I would like to do one at Crufts on "How to do Crufts!" hmmm there's an idea. www.crufts.org.uk
Crufts if you don't know is the largest dog show in the world and the oldest dog show in Britain. It was started by an old guy named Crufts hence the name. It truly is a British dog show yet so international! If you are coming than you need to pace yourself as it is sensory overload. Think Las Vegas with dogs except no one is walking around half naked. Oh scratch that as there are the Chinese Crested ... Over 28,000 (yes thousand) DOGS in four days. It is quite overwhelming and if you think I bark a lot than you haven't heard anything until you watch fly ball. By the way I should remember to bring some ear plugs for when I film fly ball and agility.

Adrenalin fills the blood and the head and all you can see are dogs everywhere. It truly is barking mad. There is always so much to see and with the event spread over in three massive halls plus a big show arena it's all a bit daunting. My dog reporter secrets for keeping energy through Crufts? Lots of tea and biscuits (no, not the canine kind silly). I heard there will be a Ben & Jerry's there this year - hmmm dangerous stuff. I wonder which dogs I will stand in the B&J queue with for Chunky Monkey. Actually I try and pack loads of fruit and healthy snacks so that would be me over in the press office corner eating my banana or orange.

So I must get back to my downloading and editing. I want to get these new YouTube clips up and running on the KC channel before Crufts which is now days and hours away.

I am very excited they finally announced that Crufts will be live online for the first time in Crufts history (actually I gave them this idea a while ago and glad that someone besides the little dog that sits on my desk listens to me from time to time)


Thank you to Marc, Anna and especially Molly the wonderful Miniature Bull Terrier aka "Molly the Wonder Dog" in my book.
Molly was the star dog in my filming today and she was really so well behaved. I learned all kinds of things while filming but the most fascinating was how and why vets clean anal glands in dogs. Ew. I have never seen that done so close.

Enjoy my pics of Molly. She is one clever dog!

The Dog Reporter©

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