Thursday, April 21, 2011


"Our greatest weakness lies in giving up.  The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time."  - Thomas Edison

Do you ever feel like giving up sometimes?  I do.  I just don't.  I some how find and muster up the courage to keep putting one foot in front of the other.  What am I referring to?  My dreams of course!  I have this huge dream to travel the world in search of dogs and help people along the way.  Some might think I am really bonkers for living such an unconventional life but what does it matter what others think?

I love this quote from Thomas Edison it's been tucked away in my belongings for years and I only recently came across it as I was unpacking a few bits.

What is bliss?  Bliss can be whatever makes your heart sing.  Family, work, sense of community, nice shoes, taking photos, making music or art ... mine is dogs (yeah, big surprise here)

I just keep trying to find ways to monetize my dreams so I can make a living by what I'm trying to achieve.  Is this possible?  I believe it is and I certainly am not giving up.

Have a good week following your bliss.


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