Thursday, September 9, 2010

Hiking with dogs in the Hollywood Hills

Hi folks!  It's been a very long time since I've blogged.  Various reasons for slacking but I have learned that you can't beat yourself up for the 'shoulds' in life (e.g. I should have done this, I should have done that, I should do this now...)  Just get back on the horse and try to live in the moment.  Here is my moment.  I've been in LA  working on my dog projects  e.g. book and TV show.  It's a competitive business and tough climate but I have always been optimistic that my ideas about promoting positive dog stories will somehow come to fruition.  I've been writing but not in the public domain lately.  I don't profess to know a lot or have all the solutions to everyday living but what I do know is that dogs are certainly the key to my peace of mind and the solution to de-stress LA living (yes, Los Angeles is stressful)

How to de-stress your life if you live in a busy city like Los Angeles:   Take your dog for a good hike!  Exercise is key to living a good healthy life as well as keeping your dog fit and active.  Today another volunteer and myself had the extreme pleasure of taking two lovely dogs from Friends for Pets dog rescue for a hike.   Levi, a boisterous, young and fun male Weimaraner and Georgia a very sweet and docile Weimaraner/Black Lab mix.  Nothing is better than getting out and exercising your dog (or a rescue dog) in the California sunshine.  We experienced lovely extensive views of LA nestled in California nature.  These were two very lucky dogs to get a break from the hustle and bustle of the kennel at Friends for Pets and to enjoy not only a car ride but a nice long hike where there was lots of sniffing and marking on trees and bushes.  The dogs cooled off in the horse water trough (although Levi thought it was a dog jacuzzi)

Two lucky dogs who enjoyed a lovely hike in the Hollywood Hills but I was the lucky dog for getting the privilege of walking a beautiful dog in need of a forever home.

If you are interested in either dog please contact Friends for Pets

I can vouch for Georgia (aka Georgie Porgie)  she is a real sweetie and will be a great dog for someone wanting to take her hiking on a regular basis.  Dogs are awesome.

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